"Found them? In Mercia? The coconut's tropical!"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, this is a temperate zone"
"The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land?"
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
"Not at all. They could be carried."
"What? A swallow carrying a coconut?"
"It could grip it by the husk!"
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Scroll down to find:
A Short Ramble
Some Coconut Flour Bread Variations:
Plain Basic Coconut Flour Bread
The Basics of VariationsA Short Ramble
Some Coconut Flour Bread Variations:
All Out Coconut "Pound Cake"
Carmelized Onion
Carmelized Onion
Cinnamon Apple
Cinnamon Raisin-Nut
Something Completely Different Ingredients:
6 Egg Whites
1/8 tsp Salt
6 Egg Yolks
1/3 cup Sunflower Oil
1/3 cup Yogurt
2 tablespoons Honey
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt
1/8 tsp Ginger
Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
Cut a piece of parchment to fit the bottom of your bread pan.
Cut a piece of parchment to fit the bottom of your bread pan.
Generously grease the bread pan.
Line the bottom of the bread pan with the parchment.
Separate 6 eggs.
To egg whites add 1/8 tsp salt; set aside.
Whisk together wet ingredients: egg yolks, oil, yogurt, honey, and vinegar.
Sift together dry ingredients: coconut flour, baking soda, salt, and ginger.
It is important to sift when using coconut flour!
Beat egg whites until stiffened.
Once you begin to mix the wet and dry ingredients together, work quickly to finish and get the bread into the oven.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture until there are no lumps, pouring the dry ingredients in as you stir.
Adding 1/4 or less at a time, gently fold in the whipped egg whites.
When all the egg whites are added, continue to gently fold in just until thoroughly incorporated.
Spoon the batter into the prepared bread pan.
Push into corners and smooth as needed.
Bake 40 minutes at 350 F or until a knife inserted in the center of the loaf comes out clean.
When bread is cooled, carefully run a butter knife between bread and pan and free the loaf.
Slice and enjoy!
Wrap or place in airtight container and store in the refrigerator.
~ The Basics of Variations ~
You can:
Skip separating the eggs and whipping and folding in the whites (using the eggs whole, whisk the eggs, add the other wet ingredients - oil, honey, vinegar or whathaveyou - and whisk together, then stir dry ingredients into wet ingredients). Though I do recommend separating and whipping as otherwise the resultant loaf won't be as light.
Use 1/3 to 1/2 cup of the oil of your choice, such as sunflower, safflower, grapeseed or olive oil, or melted (but not hot) butter or coconut or palm oil.
Use 1/3 to 1/2 cup liquid or puree of your choice, including any sort of dairy or non-dairy milk, yogurt, kefir, buttermilk etc, or any sort of mashed or pureed fresh or cooked fruit or vegetable; feel free to use your imagination.
Use 1 Tbsp - 1/4 cup sugar of your choice, including honey, maple syrup, evaporated cane juice, or coconut palm sugar.
Use vinegar or citrus juice of your choice.
Add 1 tsp - 1 Tbsp total dried herbs and spices of your choice.
Spices and dried herbs may be sifted with the dry ingredients or stirred into the sifted dry ingredients.
If using fresh herbs, triple the amount to 1-3 Tbsp and stir into the dry ingredients after they have been sifted.
Add 1/2 - 1 cup total of chopped anything you would add to a loaf of quick bread, such as nuts, seeds, shredded coconut, dried fruit, grated cheesed, fresh or cooked fruit or vegetables etc.
Toss with 1 Tbsp - 1/4 cup flour of choice (but NOT coconut flour) - I usually use peanut flour or almond flour - I find dried fruit generally only needs 1 Tbsp flour while chopped fruit may need 1/4 cup and nuts and seeds don't need any.
If very fine or small, dry items such as chopped nuts, seeds, and coconut flakes can be stirred into sifted dry ingredients. Otherwise stir them in when the wet and dry items are mixed, before whipped egg whites are folded in.
Moist things can be stirred in when wet and dry ingredients are mixed, before whipped egg whites are folded in.
A Short Ramble
I found first coconut milk, then coconut oil, and finally coconut flour, here in the cusp of coastal southern and central California, far from the coconut's tropical home. I'm not at all suggesting coconuts migrate. I'm simply thankful the derivative products of the coconut are now so widely available, regardless of how they arrived in my temperate zone. And I'm glad that I've been introduced to the existence, versatility, and uses of coconut flour in particular.
flour can yield light, gluten-free grain-free SCD-legal, entirely
agreeable bread which can be thinly sliced and used for sandwiches but which does not approximate the price of a limb to make nor
carry an exorbitant quantity of calories. And which can be easily
customized into almost any "flavour" one's heart desires and tummy tolerates.
Dreams indeed can be realized.
If you are concerned about phytic acids and any need to soak coconut flour because of them, read Cheeseslave's post
"Should We Soak Coconut Flour?" here (extracted from the Living With Phytic Acid page at The Weston A. Price Foundation) and be relieved (of soaking duties anyway); with coconut flour your nutrient absorption will remain undeterred sans soak and all.
Some Variations:
Following are examples of the countless variations possible based on the basic recipe (given above) which, mainly in order to produce a lighter loaf, I've adapted ever so slightly from Health, Home & Happiness' recipe found here.
ALL OUT COCONUT "Pound Cake" Coconut Flour Bread
6 Egg Whites
1/8 tsp Salt
6 Egg Yolks
1/3 cup Coconut Oil, melted
1/2 cup Coconut Milk
1/4 cup Honey
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1/8 tsp Ginger
1/2 cup Coconut Flakes (unsweetened)
Heat oven to 350 F. Grease loaf pan. Line with parchment.
Separate 6 eggs. To egg whites add 1/8 tsp salt; set aside.
Whisk together egg yolks, coconut oil, coconut milk, honey, and vinegar.
Sift together coconut flour, baking soda, salt, and ginger.
Stir coconut flakes into coconut flour mixture.
Beat egg whites until stiffened.Stir coconut flakes into coconut flour mixture.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture.
Fold in whipped egg whites.
Spoon batter into bread pan.
Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan. Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
Savory Coconut Flour Bread
6 Egg Whites
1/8 tsp Salt
6 Egg Yolks
1/3 cup Butter, melted
1/3 Pureed Onion (approx 1 medium onion; anywhere between 1/3 & 1/2 cup puree is fine)
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/8 tsp Ginger
Heat oven to 350 F. Grease loaf pan. Line with parchment.
Separate 6 eggs. To egg whites add 1/8 tsp salt; set aside.
Gently melt butter.
Chop and puree onion.
Whisk together egg yolks, butter, onion puree, honey, and vinegar.Gently melt butter.
Chop and puree onion.
Sift together coconut flour, baking soda, salt, and ginger.
Beat egg whites until stiffened.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture.
Fold in
whipped egg whites.
Spoon batter into bread pan.Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan. Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
Spoon batter into bread pan.Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan. Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
Carmelized Onion Coconut Flour Bread
1 cup chopped Onion (anywhere between 1 & 1 1/2 cups chopped onion is fine)
2 Tbsp Butter
1 tsp Honey
1/4 tsp Salt
6 egg Whites
1/8 tsp Salt
6 Egg Yolks
1/3 cup Butter, melted
1/3 Pureed Onion (approx 1 medium onion; anywhere between 1/3 & 1/2 cup puree is fine)
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/8 tsp Ginger
One bunch Green Onions, sliced, optional (Mexican green onions are good!)
Whisk together egg yolks, butter, onion puree, honey, and vinegar.
Heat oven to 350 F. Grease loaf pan. Line with parchment.
Chop onion to render the 1 cup chopped onion.
Heat skillet over medium high. Melt the 2 Tbsp butter. Stir in the chopped onion. Saute until clear, about 2 minutes. Stir in the 1 tsp butter and the 1/4 tsp salt. Continue to saute until onions are carmelized, about 8 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
Chop onion to render the 1 cup chopped onion.
Heat skillet over medium high. Melt the 2 Tbsp butter. Stir in the chopped onion. Saute until clear, about 2 minutes. Stir in the 1 tsp butter and the 1/4 tsp salt. Continue to saute until onions are carmelized, about 8 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
Separate 6 eggs. To egg whites add 1/8 tsp salt; set aside.
Gently melt butter.
Chop and puree onion to render the 1/3 cup onion puree.
Slice green onions.
Gently melt butter.
Chop and puree onion to render the 1/3 cup onion puree.
Slice green onions.
Sift together coconut flour, baking soda, salt, and ginger. Stir in green onions.
Beat egg whites until stiffened.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture.
Fold in
whipped egg whites. Spoon batter into bread pan.Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan. Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
Herb Coconut Flour Bread
6 Egg Whites
1/8 tsp Salt
6 Egg Yolks
1/2 cup Sunflower Oil
1/3 pureed Onion (1 medium - anywhere between 1/3 & 1/2 cup is fine)
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/8 tsp Ginger
HERBS, select:
Scarborough Fair ~ 1 T Parsley, 1 t ea Rubbed Sage. Rosemary and Thyme.
Old Fashioned ~ 1/2 t Nutmeg, 1 T Parsley, 1 t Rubbed Sage, 2 T Celery Seed.
Anything Goes ~ 1 Tbsp total savory herbs and spices of choice.
HERBS, select:
Scarborough Fair ~ 1 T Parsley, 1 t ea Rubbed Sage. Rosemary and Thyme.
Old Fashioned ~ 1/2 t Nutmeg, 1 T Parsley, 1 t Rubbed Sage, 2 T Celery Seed.
Anything Goes ~ 1 Tbsp total savory herbs and spices of choice.
Heat oven to 350 F. Grease loaf pan. Line with parchment.
Separate 6 eggs. To egg whites add 1/8 tsp salt; set aside.
Whisk together egg yolks, butter, onion puree, honey, and vinegar.
Sift together coconut flour, baking soda, salt, and ginger. Stir in herbs of choice.
Beat egg whites until stiffened.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture.
Fold in
whipped egg whites. Spoon batter into bread pan.Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan. Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
6 Egg Whites
1/8 tsp Salt
6 egg Yolks
1/3 cup Butter, melted
1/2 cup Pureed Apple (or apple sauce)
1/4 cup Honey
1/4 cup Honey
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1/8 tsp Ginger
Heat oven to 350 F. Grease loaf pan. Line with parchment.
Separate 6 eggs. To egg whites add 1/8 tsp salt; set aside.
Gently melt butter.
Peel, core, chop, and puree apples to render the 1/2 cup apple puree (may puree with the vinegar to aid processing & render 1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp).
Whisk together egg yolks, butter, apple puree, honey, and vinegar.
Sift together coconut flour, baking soda, salt, and ginger.
Beat egg whites until stiffened.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture.
Fold in
whipped egg whites. Spoon batter into bread pan.Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan. Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
CINNAMON APPLE Coconut Flour Bread
6 Egg Whites
1/8 tsp Salt
6 egg Yolks
1/2 cup Pureed Apples
1/2 cup Sunflower Oil
1/4 cup Honey
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1/8 tsp Ginger
1 cup Apples, peeled, cored, and chopped (I like Fuji)
4 Tbsp Peanut Flour
Heat oven to 350 F. Grease loaf pan. Line with parchment.
Separate 6 eggs. To egg whites add 1/8 tsp salt; set aside.
Gently melt butter.
Peel, core, chop, and puree apples to render the 1/2 cup apple puree (may puree with the vinegar to aid processing & render 1/2 cup + 1 Tbsp).
Core and chop apples to render the 1 cup chopped apples. Toss with nut flour.
Whisk together egg yolks, oil, apple puree, honey, and vinegar.
Sift together coconut flour, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, and ginger.
Beat egg whites until stiffened.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture.
Stir in chopped apples.
Fold in
whipped egg whites. Stir in chopped apples.
Spoon batter into bread pan.Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan. Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
6 Egg Whites
1/8 tsp Salt
6 egg Yolks
1/2 cup Sunflower Oil
1/2 cup Raisin Syrup*
2 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Orange Juice
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/8 tsp Ginger
1/2 cup Raisins, chopped
1/2 cup Walnuts, crushed or chopped
1 Tbsp Peanut Flour to dust Raisins and Walnuts
Heat oven to 350 F. Grease loaf pan. Line with parchment.
Separate 6 eggs. To egg whites add 1/8 tsp salt; set aside.
Chop Raisins a little.
Crush or chop Walnuts.
Whisk together egg yolks, oil, raisin syrup, honey, and orange juice.
Sift together coconut flour, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, and ginger.
Beat egg whites until stiffened.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture.
Stir in raisins and nuts.
Fold in whipped egg whites.
Spoon batter into bread pan.Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan.
Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
Crush or chop Walnuts.
Whisk together egg yolks, oil, raisin syrup, honey, and orange juice.
Sift together coconut flour, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, and ginger.
Beat egg whites until stiffened.
Stir dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture.
Stir in raisins and nuts.
Fold in whipped egg whites.
Spoon batter into bread pan.Bake 40 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
Cool. Remove from pan.
Slice and enjoy!
Wrap, store in fridge.
* Raisin Syrup: Pour 2 cups boiling water over 1 cup raisins an soak overnight. Puree. In small saucepan bring to simmer over medium high. Reduce to medium low and simmer until thickened. While still hot pour into a still hot sterile pint jar. Cool. Keep in fridge.
And now for something completely different
because when I think of coconuts I think of these songs and scene
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
ala Lord of the Rings with a pinch of Monty Python
Composed by Fred Heatherton
performed by John Williams
(put the lime in the)
Harry Nilsson
Nilsson Schmilsson
Coconut Scene
Monty Python
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Scene 1
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